188.  Fun Cee
In Stock
Product Code: funCee


The Best Fun Cee noodle dish is being cooked at Kung Fu Thai and Chinese Restaurant in Las Vegas, NV.  Our master Chef starts off by using the exotic Glass or Clear noodles, which is made from mung beans and carefully threaded, into this crystal like noodle.  It is then cooked along with chopped chicken, fresh cracked Extra Large USDA rated AA eggs, and fresh diced green cabbage all stir-fried in a Extra large stationary Wok reaching upwards of 500°F bonding all the ingredients including the noodles, fresh chicken, cabbage, and egg for a delightful, tasty dish.

Description Mung beans, green cabbage, fresh chicken leg meat, grounded bean sauce, fresh AA Extra large egg, soy sauce, soy bean sauce, black soy sauce, sesame oil, grounded white pepper, oyster sauce

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